

I hope you enjoy reading my dreams as much as I have in dreaming them. G. R. Holton

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Fun Trivia

Okay...The first five people that comment with the right answers will win an e-book copy of my Science Fiction novel, "SOLERI". So here we go!

1. What are the degrees of the Miser Brothers?
2. What was the Grinch's dog's name?
3. How much money did Uncle Billy lose in It's a Wonderful Life?
4. What was the Jack in the box's name on the Island of Misfit Toys?
5. How many versions are there of the Charles Dickens's "A Christmas Carol"?
6. What names did Charles Dickens have before he chose Tiny Tim?

Good Luck to all and a Merry Christmas
and a Happy Holiday Season!!!


  1. Ok, I think the answers are
    1. one was 10 below the other is 101
    2. the Grinch's dog's name is Max
    3. uncle Billy lost $8000.00
    4. the Jack in the box was named Charlie in the box
    5 there are at least 28 versions of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol"
    6. the other 3 names were Little Larry, Puny Pete and Small Sam

  2. Congrats Robbie!!! You are a winner! Do you want your eBook for a Nook, Kindle, or a PDF file you can read on your computer?

  3. 1. 175 degrees c
    2. Max
    3. 8,000.00
    4. Charlie
    5. 20
    6. Little Larry, Puny Pete,Small Sam

  4. Joanne...real close...2,3,4,and 6 are right... get the other two for the e-book.

  5. 1. 101 and 10 below
    2. dog is called Max
    3. billy lost 8,000.00
    4. Charlie??
    5. 28 minimum
    6. Small Sam, Little Larry, Puny Pete,

  6. UMMM~~Here goes~~
    1. 10 & 101
    2. Max
    3. $8000.00
    4. Charlie in the box
    5 28??
    6. Little Larry, Puny Pete & Small Sam

  7. You got it Chrissy... I need your email and what reader you want it for.

  8. Awesome. Thank you. E-mail is and nook is fine. : )
