

I hope you enjoy reading my dreams as much as I have in dreaming them. G. R. Holton

Friday, December 30, 2011

New Years Goals (No it's NOT a resolution!!!)

I am sitting here reflecting on the past year and also thinking about plans for the year to come. In 2011, I had three books go to publishing. They were “SQUAZLES!”, “Deep Screams”, and “Soleri -  Second Edition”. I also did the book design for an amazing young man named Cameron Titus for his “Cameron’s A to Z: A Habitat for Humanity Project”. This was all done through my wonderful publisher,  World Castle Publishing, for who I am so thankful. I have received two awards for my writing; The Author’s Show’s “50 Great Writers You Should be Reading for 2011” and’s “Best Science Fiction for Deep Screams”.
I have been in three plays; “12 Angry  Men”, “Murders on Main Street”, and “It’s a Wonderful Life” with the Gem Players which is our local theater group. I was the Vice-President for the Etowah Merchants and Friends Association, on the Board for the Etowah Arts Commission, and worked with the Etowah Fourth of July Committee.
                I became a grandfather for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th time to three beautiful granddaughters; Avarie, Sydney, and Kinsleigh. I have gone from weighing a whopping 293 pounds down to 230 pounds and still dropping.
                Now on to the coming year. My first goal (I refuse to call them resolutions) is to help my wife out more around the house (I know all the women are clapping). Second is to keep in better contact with the kids (I definitely don’t call enough). Third is that I will drop 30 more pounds by the end of May, which is when I will turn 50. Fourth is to rerelease “Guardian’s Alliance”. Fifth is to finish writing my latest novel “Dragon’s Bow”. Sixth is that I will be sending out my polished screenplay “Teleported” based on my novella, “Soleri”.
                In closing, I just want to wish all my friends and family the most happiest and prosperous of New Years. Peace and love to all!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The sky is falling AGAIN!!!

Well we are getting closer to when the Russian satellite will find it's way back to earth. The question is when. According to reports it will happen between the 6th of Jan to the 19th of Jan and an area just as wide open. They say they cannot predict where it will land until a couple hours before it actually does. Sounds like the weatherman complex or is it. There are so many things to take into consideration. Here is the story off MSN. Check it out and comment if you like. I would love to hear some feedback on this subject.

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Russians fail again!

Seems like the Russians can't get their space race off the starting block. Check out this story:

Christmas Fun Trivia

Okay...The first five people that comment with the right answers will win an e-book copy of my Science Fiction novel, "SOLERI". So here we go!

1. What are the degrees of the Miser Brothers?
2. What was the Grinch's dog's name?
3. How much money did Uncle Billy lose in It's a Wonderful Life?
4. What was the Jack in the box's name on the Island of Misfit Toys?
5. How many versions are there of the Charles Dickens's "A Christmas Carol"?
6. What names did Charles Dickens have before he chose Tiny Tim?

Good Luck to all and a Merry Christmas
and a Happy Holiday Season!!!

Space Balls

I saw this on and thought it was interesting. What are your thoughts on where it came from and what it could be.

Another Day

Well today I havfe woken up with some fire in me. I have updated the blogsite with addition info about my books and awards. But if you want to get to know me then check out my website at

Thursday, December 22, 2011

My new Blog

Okay all...I have given in to the idea that I need to start blogging. Though to tell you the truth I have no clue on what to do with it. I will try to get on here weekly and use it to help promote other authors as well. I just have to figure out how to do it. Wish me luck!!!